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The IMF Data Mapper® data structure
We have said that Data Mapper comprises:
- Datasets
- Subjects
- Sub-categories
These are discussed below:
1. Datasets
There are currently five primary datasets:
- World Economic Outlook
- Balance of Payment Statistics
- Government Finance Statistics
- AFR Regional Economic Outlook
- Join IMF-OECD Statistics
2. Subjects
Each of the datasets above has further sub-sets of data (referred to as ‘subjects’):
- World Economic Outlook
- Gross domestic products
- Inflation
- People
- Current account
- Balance of Payment Statistics
- Current account
- Exports of goods and services
- Imports of goods and services
- Direct investment
- Portfolio investment
- Reserve assets
- Government Finance Statistics
- Cash-based GFS transactions
- Non cash-based GFS transactions
- AFR Regional Economic Outlook
- Real sector
- National accounts
- Government and public sector
- Financial sector
- External sector
- Exchange rates
- External debt and debt services
- Prices
- Join IMF-OECD Statistics
- Consumer prices
- Exports of goods
- Imports of goods
- Industrial production
- Unemployment rates
3. Sub-categories
Finally, the subjects can be broken down even further into sub-categories (or topics) as follows:
- World Economic Outlook
- Gross domestic products
- Real GDP
- Nominal GDP
- Nominal GDP per capita
- GDP based on PPP
- GDP based on PPP per capita
- GDP based on PPP, share of world
- Implied PPP conversion rate
- Inflation
- Inflation rate, average consumer prices
- Inflation rate, end of period consumer prices
- People
- Population
- Current account
- Current account balance (US dollars)
- Current account balance (percent of GDP)
- Balance of Payment Statistics
- Current account
- Current account balance (US dollars)
- Current account balance (percent of GDP)
- Exports of goods and services
- Exports of goods and services (US dollars)
- Exports of goods and services (percent of GDP)
- Imports of goods and services
- Imports of goods and services (US dollars)
- Imports of goods and services (percent of GDP)
- Direct investment
- Direct investment abroad (US dollars)
- Direct investment in reporting economy (US dollars)
- Portfolio investment
- Portfolio investment: Assets (US dollars)
- Portfolio investment: Liabilities (US dollars)
- Reserve assets
- Reserve assets (US dollars)
- Government Finance Statistics
- Cash-based GFS transactions
- Analytical balances: Cash surplus/deficit
- Cash receipts from operating activities
- Taxes
- Cash payments for operating activities
- Interest
- Net acquisition of non-financial assets
- Net incurrence of liabilities
- Non cash-based GFS transactions
- Analytical balances: Net lending/borrowing
- Total revenue
- Taxes
- Total expenses
- Interest
- Net acquisition of non-financial assets
- Net incurrence of liabilities
- AFR Regional Economic Outlook
- Real sector
- Real GDP growth
- Real non-oil GDP growth
- Real per capita GDP growth
- Real per capita GDP
- National accounts
- Total investments (% of GDP)
- Domestic savings (% of GDP)
- Government and public sector
- Overall fiscal balance, including grants (% of GDP)
- Overall fiscal balance, excluding grants (% of GDP)
- Government revenue, excluding grants (% of GDP)
- Government expenditures (% of GDP)
- Financial sector
- Broad money (% of GDP)
- Claims on non-financial private sector
- Broad money growth
- External sector
- Exports of goods and services (% of GDP)
- External current account, including grants (% of GDP)
- External current account, excluding grants (% of GDP)
- Imports of goods and services (% of GDP)
- Official grants (% of GDP)
- Trade balance (% of GDP)
- Reserves (months of imports)
- Exchange rates
- Real effective exchange rates (2000=100)
- Nominal effective exchange rates (2000=100)
- External debt and debt services
- External debt to official creditors (% of GDP)
- Prices
- Consumer prices (Annual % change)
- Terms of trade (Index 2000=100)
- Join IMF-OECD Statistics
- Consumer prices
- Consumer prices (Monthly)
- Consumer prices (Quarterly)
- Consumer prices (Annually)
- Exports of goods
- Exports of goods (Monthly)
- Exports of goods (Quarterly)
- Exports of goods (Annually)
- Imports of goods
- Imports of goods (Monthly)
- Imports of goods (Quarterly)
- Imports of goods (Annually)
- Industrial production
- Industrial production (Monthly)
- Industrial production (Quarterly)
- Industrial production (Annually)
- Unemployment rate
- Unemployment rate (Monthly)
- Unemployment rate (Quarterly)
- Unemployment rate (Annually)
As we have mentioned, these data sets and subjects will be expanded over time by the IMF! You can also read more about each dataset at the bottom of the Data Mapper where you will find links to the databases and respective methodologies
- The top information bar
- The left-hand side window
- The right-hand side (main) window
- The IMF Data Mapper data structure