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In-market distribution decisions
Understanding in-market channels
Once a market-entry strategy has been chosen to get your products into your foreign target markets, we indicated that the next challenge you will face will be distributing the product to the end user within these foreign markets which we referred to as in-market (or foreign market) distribution. Distribution systems vary significantly among nations whose economic, social and cultural environments differ from one another. Consequently, every product and country will present a unique distribution problem, the solution of which will require careful research (which you will have done as part of the export research you undertook in step 7). At the same time, your market-entry strategy will affect the in-market channel(s) you decide to use. For example, if you are selling through an import agent, once your product(s) reach the importer, the in-market factors come into play. These including answering questions such as: How the importer will get the goods to the end user? What transport will be used? Who is the eventual consumer? How long is the distribution channel? How many other intermediaries are there? Are the products being sold in other countries? What mark-ups are being applied and what costs come into play?
Similarly, if you plan to use your own sales representatives or to sell directly to the end consumer or if you plan to franchise your goods abroad or license a foreign manufacturer to produce and sell your goods, whichever option you choose will translate into different in-market activities. Therefore, before you can begin to consider any in-market activities, you need to know which market-entry option you plan to use. The one, clearly, impacts upon the other. Don't forget that we metnioned that your in-market distribution channel will often go beyond just the physical movement of goods and may impact on other marketing decisions such as promotion and pricing (as your in-market partners or intermediaries make their own marketing and distributing decisions).
What in-market factors are likely to come into consideration
Assuming you have decided on a particular market-entry channel, there are many factors you will need to consider when looking at your in-market distribution alternatives. These include the following:
- The number of intermediaries that make up the in-market channel
- The mark-ups applied by these intermediaries
- The services these intermediairies provide (promotion, sales, distribution, etc.)
- The power and control of these intermediaries
Channel design
Channel design should be based on the evaluation
of a number of market characteristics. These include:
- The number, geographical location,
purchasing patterns and purchasing preferences of customers
- The bulk, weight, perishability, unit value and
servicing requirements of each export product
- The extent of the activities of existing intermediaries,
e.g. In respect of physical distribution, storage, advertising,
customer credit, selling, etc.
- Whether competitors' channels can be used or whether
they should be avoided, the degree of exclusivity offered
to competitors by various intermediaries, etc.
- Whether the government imposes any legal restrictions
on the operations of channel members
- The company's size, financial resources, product
mix, previous channel experience and overall marketing
In the course of your research (see step 7), problem areas
will be identified. For example, channels adopted in other
markets may be non-existent in the target market in question,
few intermediaries may be available in many developing
markets and those who are available, may be operating exclusively
on behalf of competitors.
When barriers to normal in-market distribution
are present, you may consider:
- Taking over local distributors
- 'Buying' distribution by offering financial incentives, e.g. high commissions on sales
- Establishing your own distribution outlets
- Developing a totally new channel, such as that developed by Tupperware, i.e. holding tea parties in the consumer's
home at which the product is sold
- The Internet, which is rapidly changing the various marketing channels exporters use
The final choice of foreign market channel,
whether of the traditional type or an innovation, will
depend on the anticipated distribution costs, the degree
of control that can be exercised over the channel, market
coverage and the likely continuity of the distribution
service over the longer term.
Anticipated distribution costs
These comprise the cost of the initial capital
required for the development of a channel and the cost
of maintaining the channel, e.g. agents' commissions, distributors'
mark-ups, the cost of a company's own sales force, etc.
Degree of control over the channel
The degree of control that you will
be able to exercise over the in-market channel will depend largely on your choice of channel and on your financial
resources. Heavy advertising, for example, generates consumer
demand and automatically draws products through the distribution
chain. However, less affluent manufacturers should nevertheless
endeavour to influence the intermediary's market coverage,
prices, services, etc.
Market coverage
This may be on an intensive basis, i.e. the
product is made available in as many outlets as possible,
or on a selective basis, i.e. the product is made available
in only a selected number of outlets often under an exclusivity
agreement. the exporter may have difficulty in finding
an intermediary who is prepared to handle all the products
in the range - often intermediaries reject the less lucrative
Channel management
The selection of effective channel members
in the foreign market is often a problem. Low sales volumes
hamper many channel members or are under-financed and some
simply cannot be trusted. Smaller distributors may close
down when partners retire. Others may switch loyalties
when a particular product line fails to give them lucrative
margins because of adverse exchange rates or politically
inspired consumer resistance. Frequently, when a manufacturer
is not well-known abroad, the intermediary's reputation
becomes that of the manufacturer - often with devastating
Screening likely candidates should involve:
- Sending a letter, including product
information and distributor requirements in the native
language, to each prospect
- Following up the best respondents to extract information
that is more specific. This would include product lines
already being handled, territory covered, size of operation,
number of salespersons, etc.
- Checking references from other clients and customers
of the prospective intermediary
- Where possible, visiting the most promising candidates
in person
Once a suitable intermediary has been identified,
a distribution agreement should be drawn up. This would
detail the specific responsibilities of both the exporter
and the intermediary, and should specify an annual sales
volume target. This target will serve as a basis for evaluation
of the distributor and failure to meet it could give the
exporter the right to terminate the contract.
The role of the intermediary
The marketing function of the foreign intermediary
is multi-faceted. Thus, the intermediary could be involved
in any of the following:
- Assembling products so that they form
a range of complementary items that are likely to be of
interest to buyers
- Converting bulk items into smaller lots in accordance
with customer requirements
- Adapting goods to meet the needs of the marketplace
- Organising the physical distribution of products,
i.e. transportation and storage within the marketplace
- Setting appropriate prices for the goods
- Handling sales promotion and advertising
- Identifying buyers and selling to them
- Extending credit to buyers, where this is required.
Motivating intermediaries
Once intermediaries have been selected, a
motivational programme should be instituted to maintain
their interest in the product(s). Apart from financial
incentives, the exporter might also provide:
- Staff training
- Advantageous credit terms
- Company communication including company newsletters,
web pages etc.
- Visits by intermediaries to the company's headquarters
- Visits by the company's staff to intermediaries'
- Technical assistance and product support services
- Adequate product information
Terminating distributor agreements
The exporter may wish to terminate a distributor
agreement, perhaps because market conditions have altered,
a intermediary's performance has not been up to standard,
or company mergers have necessitated a change in distribution
policy. Dismissing intermediaries is not an easy task because
of the legal protection they enjoy in most parts of the
In Norway, for example, the manufacturer
must be able to prove the negligence of the channel member
concerned and even if the dismissal is sanctioned, it is
likely that the intermediary will have to be reimbursed
for his investments in establishing customer contacts and
creating goodwill. In other countries, a intermediary cannot
be dismissed without the dispute going before an arbitration
board to establish whether or not the relationship should
be terminated.
The customary practice, in case of a contact
being terminated, is for the dismissed party to receive
indemnity equal to one year's commission - an unexpected
cost that could adversely affect the export marketing plan.
To avoid such an eventuality, seek legal advice in each
export market prior to drawing up a contract and should
ensure that selection procedures are such that do not cause
a predicament of this nature.
Controlling intermediaries
A high degree of control over international
channels of distribution is particularly difficult because
of the often lengthy channels involved. Some companies
set up their own distribution systems to solve this problem
while others issue franchises or establish exclusive distributorships.
Control should be two-tiered:
- Control over the whole distribution system
- Control over individual intermediaries
Overall controls need to be implemented for
the entire system to ensure that the export operation meets
both cost and market coverage objectives. Distribution
specifics such as pricing margins and transhipping parameters
should be clearly defined. Problems may arise, for example,
when goods intended for one country are diverted through
distributors to another where they compete with existing
retail or wholesale organisations handling the same product.
Marketing objectives have to be clearly
spelt out to the intermediary. Standards of performance
ought to include; sales volume objectives, expected market
share in each market, feedback on inventory turnover ratios,
the number of accounts per area, growth objectives, price
stability objectives, and the quality and extent of any
publicity/promotion. The standards set should be specific
and in writing to facilitate regular evaluation of performance.
When standards are not met, the causes should be investigated.