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here: Step 1: Considering exporting > The
various environments you will encounter abroad
> The economic environment > Degree of government intervention |
Degree of government intervention
export marketing strategies that you will put in place will
almost certainly differ depending on whether the target country/market
is oriented towards a free market system or whether there
is considerable government intervention in the target country's
Under a free market system, the volumes and
values of goods and services are determined by the forces
of supply and demand. Proponents of a free market system
or free trade thus emphasis the capacity of the competitive
market system to automatically allocate resources efficiently,
i.e. goods should be able to move freely, without any manipulation
of their market-related prices or the exchange rates involved.
If Taiwan, for example, can produce an article more cheaply
than the United States, the US consumer should be able
to purchase that article at the lower price.
Proponents of such a system argue that trade
restrictions such as tariffs (see below), which make imported
items relatively more expensive, serve only to protect
the more inefficient local industries, thereby removing
the element of competition. Free market economies are thus
highly competitive with a strong emphasis on value for
money. Product quality is of prime importance.
A tariff is a schedule of customs duties
levied on traded goods or commodities as they pass over
a national boundary. |
Without foreign competition, local producers
are not as motivated to improve the efficiency of their
operations. In general, free traders hold that government
decision-making is bureaucratic, inefficient and harmful,
and that centralised government control interferes with
people's freedom.
In the past, centrally planned economies
tended to emphasise self-sufficiency and regarded international
trade as a necessary evil to obtain the goods and services
they could not provide for themselves. In practice, much
of the trade conducted by centrally planned economies was
(and in some cases still is) on an ad hoc basis - goods
were imported to meet unexpected shortages or specific
requirements, while exports were the result of unplanned
surpluses or the need to earn foreign exchange.
The radical changes that have taken place
in eastern Europe and the former USSR, for example, were
prompted by the economic hardship resulting from the strict
centralised control of factors of production and trading
relationships. The current move towards the creation of
free market systems in many African countries is also indicative
of a growing awareness of the need for less government
intervention in all spheres of economic activity.
Today, no country practices entirely free
trade, nor is there any one country whose trade is entirely
controlled by the state. Nearly all countries impose some
limited restrictions on the free flow of international
trade. Besides tariffs, countries can impose a number of
non-tariff barriers as a way of restricting trade, e.g.
quotas, (i.e. direct quantitative restrictions on the amount
of an item allowed to be imported or exported), foreign
exchange controls - as is the case in South Africa - and
health, technical and safety regulations. The extent and
nature of these restrictions depend largely on whether
a country is orientated towards a free market or a centrally
planned economy.
The World Trade Organisation (WTO)
came into existence on 1 January 1995 as a result of the
Uruguay Round of Trading Negotiations (under the auspices
of GATT). Most of the World's trading nations belong to
it. The notable exception is China. It is a rules-based
system designed to promote the expansion of trade. These
rules give enterprises certain rights - exporters, in some
cases, have the right to defend their foreign markets and
countries have fewer opportunities to impose restrictions.