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12: Negotiating and quoting in exports > Doing business abroad |
business abroad
One of the major challenges you will face with exporting, and especially when negotiating with foreign business people, is dealing with the many differences that you will encounter in overseas markets compared with South Africa. Not only do people abroad often speak different languages, but they are also likely to follow very difficult cultures than yours. We dealt with the cultural environment earlier on in ExportHelp; click here if you want to revisit the section on the cultural environment.
In this section we provide a very brief introduction to the sort of issues you may encounter when doing business in different parts of the world. We have grouped them into broad categories, which may not be that accurate. For example, although we provide an overview of doing business in Latin America, the differences you may encounter may vary widely from one country in this region to the next; the same holds true for North America, the Far East, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. You are therefore advised to do further research and for this reason we have also provided you with additional links that you can follow in order to learn more about doing business in different parts of the world.
Doing business in different parts of the world