
The Internet is a powerful tool for the exporter to use. Indeed, we are adamant that no exporter should be without an Internet connection. The exporter would use this connection to:

  • Communicate with other businesses using e-mail
  • Market your goods international through your website, e-mail and other online channels
  • Search for marketing information to help you with your export planning
  • Maybe even transact sales online, selling direct to the foreign customer

We plan to help you use the Internet more successful by providing you with tips and guidelines on how best to market yourself online. This topic is likely to grow into a big section on its own right and so we will start off slowly.

To begin with, if you know very little about the Internet, we suggest that you visit Learnthenet – one of our sister sites, which will provide you with a solid introduction to various aspects of the Internet.

We will focus our assistance in four main areas:

  • Creating a suitable website for yourself
  • Online communication
  • Making use of electronic marketplaces, trading hubs, bulletin boards and portals
  • Doing marketing research online
  • Transacting sales online

If you already have a website, then you may want to read up on internationalising your website.